New Here?

We love having guests! When you walk in the door of the church, you should be greeted by someone, asked your name, and handed a worship bulletin. Our service begins with some preliminary music: either a meditative prelude by our Praise Band or a guest musician. People are still mixing and mingling during this song and you are encouraged to find a seat at your leisure and then do whatever is natural to you: sit and read through a psalm in preparation, greet those you will be worshiping alongside, or take advantage of the moment to enjoy some music.


We have an excellent, well-equipped nursery staffed with a professional nursery attendant. The nursery is located in the lobby between the chapel and the children’s Sunday school rooms. Children ages 0-3 will be very comfortable in the nursery during worship, though children are always welcome in the sanctuary!

Children’s Time

We love children at Central! If you have a child, please encourage them to come forward with the other children during the children’s time early in the worship service. During this time, children will receive a message designed especially for them. Parents are welcome to come forward with their children if a child is not yet comfortable. Following the Sermon in each worship service, children are invited to accompany our Childrens Director to a special Worship Experience, or of course they are always welcome to remain in worship with their parents.


In the Disciples tradition, we celebrate Holy Communion every week, partaking of the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. You don’t have to be a church member to participate in the Lord’s Supper with us. In fact, it’s not required that you be a member of any church, as communion is open to all believers in Jesus Christ.
Each time we gather, we remember Christ in the breaking of the bread as he commanded us, saying, “This is my body, broken for you.” We also remember him in the cup, symbolizing his shed blood, for Jesus asked us to “Do this, as often as you drink this cup, in remembrance of me.” [Note that in the Disciples tradition we use non-alcoholic grape juice – not wine – in the communion cup. While this practice distinguishes us from some other Eucharistic traditions, we believe it is important that our worship recognizes the needs of non-drinkers, recovering alcoholics, and children].
We currently offer communion sets in the back of the sanctuary as well as a gluten free option for those who need it. Each communion set has a small bread wafer on top and drink in the bottom, and are kept sanitized and clean.

Fellowship Time

You are invited to join us before and after the service, for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the church lobby with coffee and the occasional baked good on offer. It’s a great time to meet people and ask questions!

Sunday School


We hope that you enjoy your visit to Central, and that you will join us again soon!